In english


The “Maison de l’Europe en Limousin” was founded in 1993 in Limoges by the Regional Association of Twinned Cities in order to answer the numerous questions from citizens on European issues and affairs. We are what is called an “Association Loi 1901” ie. a non-profit making organisation affiliated to the French Federation of “Maisons de l’Europe” which is currently chaired by Martine BURON (former european deputy).

All the French “Maisons de l’Europe” who so wish are part of the EUNET network which was set up in 2004 in order to promote EU integration by encouraging citizens to get involved.
We are not a political or militant organization, our goal is exclusively to provide information on EU issues to the citizens and encourage them to make best use of their European citizenship.


Our documentation centre (brochures, magazines, Newsletters, Official Journal, posters and cards, …) is free of charge and open to all. The topics we cover are:

  • EU institutions
  • EU economy and trade
  • EU law
  • Social issues
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Employment
  • European mobility and exchange programmes

Our information is aimed at all sorts of audiences: we have brochures specifically designed for children on subjects such as the environment or development aid, Comics for adolescents, a Newsletter for young people and adults, …
We also give talks and presentations in schools, universities, businesses, … on most EU subjects.


Postal address :
Maison de l’Europe –Europe-Direct Limousin
51 avenue Georges Dumas
F-87000 Limoges

Phone: +33(0)

e-mail :

Follow us on sur Facebook and Twitter

Opening times :
Monday :  14pm-18pm
Tuesday – Thursday:  9am-12am and 14pm-18pm
Friday: 9am-12am